Facilities Facilities


Luxury Hotel Service

Our Rooms are very comfortable with basic amenities and 24/7 check-in. We follow all sanitisation & safety measures at our properties, from disinfecting surfaces with high-quality cleaning products and maintaining social distance to using protective gear and more.


Our Amenities


  Free Wifi




  Power Backup

  Card Payment



  Room Service


  Fire Safety


Room Ventilation, Complimentary Breakfast, Laundry, 24x7 Accessible Kitchen, Pre Book Meals, Security, Cutlery/Crockery, Room Service, Free Wifi, 24/7 Checkin, Laptop Friendly, Reception, Bath Tub, Card Payment, Fire-Extinguisher, Attached Bathroom, Mirror, CCTV Cameras, Power backup, Fan are some of the amenities available at this property.



More From Us
  • Pick-Up and Drop Service
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Room Service
  • And Many More . . .

Contact Us

Hotel Royal Pavilion,
B.19/7, 10. Jain Mandir,
Reori Talab Park Road,
Dewariya Beer, Bhelupura,
Varanasi - UP (221010)
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